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Editor, Now that the $20 million question is out of the way, is it time to look at what in my opinion could be done to make 撸奶社区a better place.


Now that the $20 million question is out of the way, is it time to look at what in my opinion could be done to make 撸奶社区a better place.

A second route out of downtown: maybe it has to go where there can be an overpass to avoid the trains and traffic delays at Cleveland and Hwy. 99 when there is an incident that stops traffic. When traffic at that intersection is stopped you cannot get out of downtown. Maybe some years ago there was not the amount of cars but today is different - more people, more cars.

A traffic light at the entrance to Extra Foods or change the entrance exit: the present setup is another accident waiting to happen and why do we always have to wait for many people to die before any improvement takes place? Why are we wasting the RCMP's time to monitor Garibaldi Way when it's obvious there is a problem? It seems that governments (all levels) always have to spend more studying and monitoring the problems then what it cost to fix them in the first place.

Pedestrian crossings: on many roads throughout 撸奶社区you have to take a risk to cross the road in a marked pedestrian crossing. One in particular that really ticks me off is the one at Government Road and Depot Road. I think this one is bad because of the number of school kids that walk on Government Road and have to cross. It appears that there are only a few drivers in this area that know what a crosswalk is and I have to throw this one in here, an RCMP patrol car, not on an emergency, did not stop while my wife was standing there to cross. I think we need a pedestrian light here, not a flashing yellow one but one that will turn red to allow people to cross.

Have you ever been to Calgary and noticed what the pedestrian lights there do? When you push that button to cross the light changes within seconds and drivers have to be on their toes because people are going to be walking in front of you. Maybe we don't need it to that extent but we do need some major education, enforcement, and lights.

The one-finger salute seems to be popular when a pedestrian is on the road and causes a vehicle to stop so you can cross. I had always thought that people in 撸奶社区were better than that but I guess I could be wrong.What could be wrong with a plan to have sidewalks on every street in the District? Make it a long-term plan but one that would work. How many businesses would come forward and donate time, equipment and materials to help the District accomplish this. Then the businesses would have a huge feather in their cap wouldn't they? I can just see it in the major papers and on the TV - 撸奶社区businesses and the district work together to install sidewalks on every street in town. Challenges from the media pop up for other small towns to do the same, a sense of pride in the townspeople takes place, council gets calls from all over, how did you do that? Wow, something so simple yet so complicated by our modern society that it will probably never happen and that's a shame. Years ago, someone's barn would burn down and every Tom, Dick and Harry in the country would come with hammers and nails and few boards, the wives brought food, and the next day the person had a barn again and they could carry on with their lives.

We sure have changed, haven't we? We would like to have all of everything and not pay for it, then complain that we don't have it.

The results of the latest referendum are an indication the maybe the present mayor and council are not in tune with what the buzz is in Squamish. You can learn a lot by listening. Yep, all you need to do is listen to what is being talked about and it's going on all around you.

Larry Law


Infrastructure needs to come first


I am all for building a bigger and better Squamish, but I believe that we need to address the foundation first. In particular, I want to mention the current state of Government Road, especially the intersection area of Government and Queens Way. We recently moved into what we thought was a home in pristine condition. Soon, (within weeks!) we noticed the cracks in the ceiling, in the walls, and the signs you would normally see after a small earthquake. We soon realized that it was the potholes and cracks in the road in front of our house, and the constant pounding from heavy trucks, buses, and high volume of passenger vehicles. We learned that another resident actually had a light fixture that fell from the ceiling due to the constant vibration, and the screws coming loose. After speaking to our neighbour, we learned that the previous council had been given a petition signed by 38 residents, all in complaint of the road built over 30 years ago that is not able to sustain the current volume and is damaged in many spots. It also addressed the safety issues, which is a whole other can of worms. Nothing was done.

Let's fix the things that need to be fixed before spending all this money on more facilities. We need better dikes, improved water, update the roads, and after the foundation is solid, then think about building more facilities.

Laura Modray


Referendum message loud and clear


The citizens of 撸奶社区have sent a loud and clear message to the mayor and council by defeating their $20 million spending spree. To the 75 per cent who voted "no", we cannot become complacent. We must all get out and vote in the next municipal election for candidates and a mayor who will manage the business of the district in a fiscal responsible manner, not a pizza-based tax system. With all of the new housing and businesses under construction, our tax base should be able to generate enough revenue to have a large surplus, without raising the tax rate, if managed properly.

W. J. Boscariol

Garibaldi Estates

A heartfelt thanks


On behalf of the Heart and Stroke Foundation's North Shore Area office, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the people of Squamish, as well as The Chief for your continued support of our February 2005 Heart Month campaign.

Citizens of 撸奶社区opened their hearts and their pocketbooks to our canvassers, helping us raise money for life-saving heart and stroke research and community programs.

Our Dress Red campaign was another great success, with many people wearing our buttons and their best reds on Feb. 14. Not only did the people of 撸奶社区dress red, but they became part of history by celebrating the Foundation's 50th anniversary. For half a century, thousands of volunteers have helped the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. and Yukon in reaching its vision "towards generations free of heart disease and stroke".

Once again, thank you to the 撸奶社区community for your continued generosity.

You have helped make Heart Month 2005 a resounding success and we couldn't have done it without you. You are truly at the heart off it all!


Sue Woods

Area Manager, North Shore Area Office, Heart & Stroke Foundation

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