New signage is on the way for 撸奶社区Elementary and the Jumar complex to make it clear where cars—and delivery trucks—can and cannot park.
The additional signage comes after the Sea to Sky School District spoke out on behalf of parents and teachers who were concerned about delivery truck drivers unsafely parking in the easement between the two areas.
In early December, the District of 撸奶社区received a letter from SD48 asking for the muni to “take additional measures for traffic and parking safety around 撸奶社区Elementary."
Parking update
At the SD48 committee of the whole meeting on Jan. 15, secretary-treasurer Danielle Haverstock gave an update on the parking issue.
“After we sent the letter to the District of 撸奶社区regarding the delivery truck drivers blocking access, we did receive a note back from the District of 撸奶社区letting us know that the area falls under Jumar, the developers of the building,” Haverstock said.
“So since then, our staff have been in contact with Jumar’s property management and the property management staff are going to be recommending sites to put signage up.”
Haverstock said that once they have received the proposed sites and cost estimations, the Sea to Sky School District will split the costs of the signage with Jumar.
“We’re hoping to have the signs up and installed by the end of January,” she said.
Additional signage was recommended by SD48 as a way of mitigating unsafe parking when the issue was first raised at their Nov. 13 committee of the whole meeting.
“Very simply, we’ve noted increased concerns around safety when crossing from the main road through the Jumar shared property to 撸奶社区Elementary School,” SD48 Supt. Chris Nicholson said.
He explained in the meeting that despite having designated commercial parking, vehicles have been parking along the easement during the beginning and end of school times.
“Many commercial vehicles are choosing instead to park in the easement in the access lane entering into the school, so kids who are walking; families who are driving, staff that are trying to get in and out, are having to go around parked vehicles,” Nicholson said.
“The suggestion [for the District] is to improve signage, improve the painting of the lines and some enforcement, because as we know, if there’s a few tickets or towed vehicles, word will get out, and hopefully it will stop.”
The 撸奶社区 reached out to property managers for the Jumar building, Avesta Strata and Property Management after the District of 撸奶社区received SD48’s letter.
Strata manager Francis Nguyen told The 撸奶社区 at that time that they were aware of delivery drivers parking incorrectly on the easement.
“We were first contacted by the school in late October regarding vehicles parking in the easement,” Nguyen said.
“We instructed the school to advise us each time there’s a vehicle improperly parked. Since then, we've consistently reached out to delivery drivers and companies to remind them that parking in the easement is not permitted.”
Nguyen noted that the vehicles at fault were from both Jumar and 撸奶社区Elementary and, as such, had agreed to work together to install new signage along the easement area.